This was my first drawing of a chess piece. I chose the pawn, as opposed to the knight, as I liked the way the light struck it, and gave good areas for shading. I wanted this piece to cover two pages of A3 paper, so that I could experiment with scale and increase my awarness of the area I had to work within, as usually I work in a very concentrated, delicate small way. The image above the large chess piece is my interpretation of a Dicherico piece, manipulated to emulate my project and my ideas. I think this helped me in that it gave me the idea of combining images to give an illustrative feel to the piece.
I was inspired by the way M.C Escher composed his images, in a pattern like nature, similar to a chess board. I decided to compose my own version of this using the knight piece I had chosen earlier, to give a different effect, in his style. I did this again to experiment with the idea of pattern and how shapes reflect one and other. Although this does not come through in my main piece, it inspired my ICT manipulations and the combinations of the mockngbird heads and chess pieces.
I then came across the book, To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. I like the idea of the mocking bird becoming a chess piece so above is my experimentation of making them into a chess piece. This book is a stereotypical represenbtation of an intellectual person as it is critically acclaimed worldwide and studied by school and university students alike.
This is a collection of art history based upon etchings that I took inspiration from for my own etchings. These etchings, although a different style to my own, show good tonal changes using delicate cross hatching and delicately applied ink. I also prefer the more tradtional etchings as they show more symbolism and have more hideden thins, such as the face hidden in the mirror on the angel etching. This inspired my mockingbird chess piece as I wanted something unconventional that was, in a way, hidden.
This is my final piece manipulated using ICT, and the picutre above is my actual final piece. I put together the composition containing my mocking bird chess piece and my original Knight chess piece. I am pleased with this piece as it follows my original concept of intellectualism, yet it also made me work on a larger scale and challenged the way that i usually work,, stretching my abilities and making me realise that I could do more than I originally thought.
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